
Finis Dake Chart Plan of the Ages -SMALL (VINYL)

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The “Plan of the Ages” Bible chart by Dake makes the entire Bible simple and easy to understand. Every age and dispensation of the Bible is covered on these full color charts. Great to teach from or to adorn any Pastor’s study as a Bible discussion starter!
Finis Dake Bible
Finis Dake Bible

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Finis Dake Bible
Finis Dake Bible
SKU: 9781558292000-1 Category: Tags: ,


Finis Dake Chart

Finis Dake Chart Plan of the Ages – Small (VINYL)

Finis Dake Chart

ISBN-10: 1558292004
Publisher:  Dake Publishing
Dates:  1928
Material: Vinyl
Actual Weight: 2 ounces
Size:  Length x Height: 42″ x 9″

Finis Dake Chart

Description: The “Plan of the Ages” Bible chart by Finis Dake makes the entire Bible simple and easy to understand. Every age and dispensation of the Bible is covered on these full color charts. Great to teach from or to adorn any Pastor’s study as a Bible discussion starter! The Plan of the Ages Dake chart provides full-color illustrations of the subjects dealt with in God’s Plan for Man and Revelation Expounded. It is a dispensational chart that shows the purpose of God in creation, both before and after the cross. The seven dispensations of man are fully illustrated including: the dispensation of Innocence, the dispensation of Conscience, the dispensation of Human Government, the dispensation of Promise, the dispensation of Law, the dispensation of Grace including the Tribulation, and the dispensation of the Millennium. Ideal for study groups.

Finis Dake Chart

The Plan of the Ages Bible chart in the small, personal size is a great addition to your study tools to help you put in order and physically see the workings of God through His dispensations. With scripture references on the chart, this Dake Chart makes for a Bible study in itself! Each dispensation is covered in detail with Scriptures and imagery making for a great way to see and understand the Word of God unfold. In full color, the Plan of the Ages chart allows you study along with Finis Dake and see God’s Plan for Man in action!

Finis Dake Chart
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Finis Dake Bible
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Finis Dake Bible

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