
Revelation Expounded (Online Reader)

Original price was: $ 14.99.

Finis Dake Bible

A verse by verse commentary on the book of Revelation. Of Dake’s many contributions to a clear understanding of Scripture, perhaps his greatest achievement is in simplifying matters of prophecy. Unencumbered by the hype and sensationalism so often associated with Bible prophecy, Dake offers a straightforward exposition of the text, supporting his teaching with hundreds of Scriptures. Discover for yourself how eternal mysteries really can be simplified!

Finis Dake Bible
Finis Dake Bible

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Finis Dake Bible
Finis Dake Bible


Finis Dake Bible

Revelation Expounded (Online Reader)

Finis Dake Bible

Description: This product is an Online Reader of Revelation Expounded.

Finis Dake Bible

A verse by verse commentary on the book of Revelation. Of Dake’s many contributions to a clear understanding of Scripture, perhaps his greatest achievement is in simplifying matters of prophecy. Unencumbered by the hype and sensationalism so often associated with Bible prophecy, Dake offers a straightforward exposition of the text, supporting his teaching with hundreds of Scriptures. Discover for yourself how eternal mysteries really can be simplified!

Finis Dake Bible

Online Access Features: Print, Copy & paste, Bookmark, Searchable


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